Jera Capital offers

flexible private equity

investment solutions

Experienced investor
with strong
track record

50+ years50+ years

Combined private equity experienceCombined private equity experience

14+ years14+ years

Experience in managing evergreen fundsExperience in managing evergreen funds

€10+ billion€10+ billion

Total volume invested by Jera Capital teamTotal volume invested by Jera Capital team

100+ transactions100+ transactions

Invested or advised by team membersInvested or advised by team members

16+ years16+ years

Track record of secondary investmentsTrack record of secondary investments

Jera Capital builds select exposure to unlisted companies through secondary transactions alongside leading private equity managers in North America and Western Europe. Our focus is to acquire interests in well-established companies with strong value creation potential and a sustainable agenda

Who is Jera Capital?

Industry veterans offering instant and flexible private equity exposure to investors

Jera Capital was created by a group of private equity veterans who left a large Nordic asset manager in order to create an innovative investment platform that offers immediate private equity exposure and improved liquidity to investors who typically face high hurdles accessing the asset class

Jera Capital is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, with the Jera DAPE® structure operating out of Luxembourg

The team is backed by well recognized institutional and private investors and works with industry-leading partners, such as private equity fund managers, legal advisors, fund auditors, administrators and other service providers

What is private equity?

The private alternative to stocks

Private equity refers to investment in the equity capital of well-established companies that are not listed on a stock exchange. Private equity firms raise funds from investors to acquire and own such companies for a number of years. Typically, a private equity fund is raised ahead of acquiring any company and has a lifetime of 10 years. During ownership, private equity firms design and implement value creation strategies to grow and improve the operations of each portfolio company before seeking to sell or list it on a stock exchange. Private equity funds usually own several portfolio companies at the same time, providing diversification to their investors

Why private equity?

It's all about value creation

Private equity firms are led by investment professionals with significant experience in creating value through the acquisition and development of private companies. The firms typically acquire a stake large enough to ensure sufficient influence on the company and be able to drive change within the company

Given the extended holding period, private equity funds are able to design and implement growth strategies for their portfolio companies and create value for their own investors over several years, allowing a typically more patient approach than in the listed markets

What is a private equity secondary transaction?

The exchange of ownership in private equity assets

In a private equity secondary transaction, an investor acquires interests in one or several companies from the incumbent investor who is seeking early liquidity

The secondary investor is able to diligence and price the assets prior to the acquisition, benefits from a shorter holding period and can build a diversified portfolio through a limited number of transactions. Investors making primary commitments to new funds typically do not enjoy these features

Why Jera Capital?

Immediate exposure and improved liquidity for investors who typically face high hurdles in accessing the asset class

The professionals of Jera Capital have together over 45 years of experience in the private equity market and draw on this experience to create value for their investors through private equity secondary transactions

The investment fund developed by Jera Capital (Jera DAPE®) recognizes that the private equity asset class comprises many barriers to entry for non-institutional investors and aims to align access to the private equity asset class with the lifecycle of individuals

Jera Capital has developed an investment strategy that is focused on Responsible Growth and seeks to align financial performance with the UN Principles for Responsible Investment

Through this strategy, investors will gain access to a diversified portfolio of Responsible Growth companies across North America and Western Europe, sectors and business models

What is the Jera Capital team’s experience?

Specialized expertise and long track record

The professionals of Jera Capital have been active in the private equity secondary market since 2006 and have collectively invested or advised on over 100 private equity transactions, representing a total value in excess of EUR 10bn. Over the years, the team has developed a deep network of relationships and a proven origination model, on which it draws to originate or diligence new transactions. The team has developed a reliable investment process that incorporates comprehensive financial models, analytics tools and sensitivity analyses to ensure a consistently robust underwriting of each transaction

What is an evergreen fund?

An evergreen fund offers improved flexibility for investors

In comparison to closed-ended funds, open-ended (“evergreen”) funds do not have a termination date and can accept new investors continuously (usually monthly)

Capital is invested in such funds based on a subscription (i.e. the investor invests the full amount at the time of subscription) and investors can redeem their investments in the fund on an ongoing basis (following a lock-up period)

In such structures, investors typically enter and exit the fund at the net asset value prevailing at the time of subscription/redemption and gain access to a diversified exposure to private markets upon investment

See more information in "News and publications"

When do I invest in Jera DAPE®?

The fund is open

The Jera DAPE® fund is an open-ended fund where new investors can buy shares monthly at the prevailing share price

How do I redeem from Jera DAPE®?

Monthly redemption possible after 3 years

The Jera DAPE® fund is an accumulating fund (no distributions to investors), but after a 3-year lock-up period, investors have the option to redeem part or all of their investment each month (conditions may apply - please refer to the fund's legal documentation)

Tailored Access

In partnership with institutional investors, Jera Capital can develop mandate-based investment structures tailored to their specific needs, e.g. through establishment of dedicated investment vehicles (fund-of-one or similar)


Jera Capital offers investment and structuring advisory and related services to institutional investors that would like to further benefit from private equity secondaries or utilize the secondary market as a portfolio management tool

Jera Capital exclusively focuses on acquiring assets with strong value creation potential achieved through Responsible Growth. We define Responsible Growth in line with the UN SDG themes, and we are a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment

Through Responsible Growth we seek to achieve both financial returns and positive outcomes to society and the environment

For further details, see our Responsible Investment Policy (link to download)

Highlights of our ESG Report 2023
Sustainably built portfolio
For all our underlying company exposures, we monitor ESG risk ratings continuously
Responsible managers
Of our investments have been made with managers abiding by international ESG standards and integrating ESG into investment decisions
Download full ESG Report 2023

Experience and dedication

Investment Team

Julien Marencic

Julien is a Founding Partner of Jera Capital and has 20 years of private equity experience, having worked as an adviser, secondary buyer and portfolio manager in London, Zug (Switzerland) and Copenhagen

Founding partner

Julien Marencic

Christen Estrup

Christen is a Founding Partner of Jera Capital and has over 20 years of private equity experience, having led investment teams, worked as investor and consultant on behalf of leading banks, asset managers and consultancy companies

Founding partner

Christen Estrup

Alexander Reventlow

Alexander is a Partner of Jera Capital and has 10 years of experience, having worked as a private equity investor and M&A adviser on behalf of leading asset managers and corporate finance advisers


Alexander Reventlow

Bio to come

Senior Associate

Frederik Juhl Thomsen

Bio to come


Vincens Brockenhuus-Schack

Bio to come


Lucas Holmström


Jera Capital Board

Bendt is the Chairman of the Board of Jera Capital. Bendt is the owner and manager of Wefri, one of the largest real asset companies in Denmark. Bendt has vast experience from M&A and business development and is a Board member in a number of companies

Chairman of the Board

Bendt Wedell

Henrik is Member of the Board of Jera Capital and is the CEO of Hereditas, a Finnish family office. Henrik has over 20 years of private equity experience and over 30 years of experience in the financial sector, both as CIO for Nordea Life & Pensions (Finland) and CEO of Nordea Inv. Mgt. AB

Member of the Board

Henrik von Knorring

Anne Charlotte Mark is an accomplished investment professional with more than 30 years of experience from the financial sector, most recently as the deputy CEO, CFO of LD Fonde and before that as head of equities and alternatives in Sampension. Anne Charlotte currently holds board positions in several companies including Lærernes Pension and Lemvigh-Müller Holding A/S

Member of the Board

Anne Charlotte Mark